I´d say all the words that I know ...
Sum 41
Takze na spravnu mieru to uvediem ... ide o jeden super song ... a to je Sum 41 - Pieces ...
Ani neviem preco som v lete zacal pocuvat tuto pesnicku ... teda myslim ze viem ... text a podanie vystihovali asi moje myslienkove pochody ... takzie si pamatam na moment kedy som raz sedel v limbe pri poldecaku teqily a povedal som si ze tu pesnicku budem odvtedy pocuvat furt ked budem mat v ruke chlast ...
chcel som aby sa mi spojila s pitim ...
ale nestalo sa tak ....
Potom jednu dobu nic ... a pak som ju zas pocul a zistil som ze je pre mna od tych prazdnin plna spomienok ... su to spomienky sice divne ... napr spaja sa mi aj s osievanim piesku v 28 ci kolko °C ...
ale aj s tou teqilkou ale aj so vsetkym ostatnym ...
obcas je to celkom mile ale ak mam kus blbu naladu a pocujem ju tak mi je este blbie lebo si pomeniem zas na to zle co sa mi v lete nepacilo a stalo sa ...
nebudem to rozoberat do detailov lebo to zasahuje viacero inych osob .... a myslim ze nemam pravo to ani hovorit ...
ale co uz ...
ako by povedala ryba ... aj ked vyschne voda budeme v poho lebo este je tu lad
ci nie ?
Doplnam ten prijemny text :
I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I thought it’d be easy
But no one believes me
I meant all the things that I said
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
Guitar solo:
This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don’t know how it got so bad
Sometimes it’s so crazy
That nothing can save me
But it’s the only thing that I have
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
Guitar Solo:
(On my own!)
I tried to be perfect
It just wasn’t worth it
Nothing could ever be so wrong
It’s hard to believe me
It never gets easy
I guess I knew that all along
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own